Friday, April 29, 2011

JAG Competition!!!

Last fall I had some amazing pictures taken by Scott Jarvie  He's doing a really cool competition that I would recommend to ANYONE seriously.  Whether you are a photographer, a person looking for a photographer someone looking to decorate your home, this competition is for YOU - even if you aren't in Utah (he travels and one of his prizes is a ridiculously large amount of prints to decorate a whole room in your house!)

The prizes are absolutely ridiculous and I would really like to win.  I'm competing for a free photo shoot with a $400 print credit,  We don't have a single family picture hanging on our wall.  Why you ask?  Well because I'm always behind the camera.  I would really like to win and could really use your help.  There are some great ways that you could help me out.

For each of these things, I earn points.  Whoever has the most points, wins.....pretty easy right?  So what can YOU do?

The thing that would help me out the most would be if you could add Scott's blog to your blog list on your blog - that gets me mucho points :)  PLUS you get to keep up with his blogs.  He doesn't just post pictures, but he writes about techniques and such too.  Here is the link to his blog:

The next thing you could do would be to join in on the competition.  You know you want to win one of this fantastic prizes!  To find out more details about the JAG competition go here:  If you end up joining in, please let me know I referred you.  We both get 5 extra points that way.  Cool eh?

And lastly, If you would please visit his facebook page and "like" it and then "like" the wall post on his wall so he knows that you were referred by me, that would be great.

If you were only wanting to do one thing, if you could please add his blog to your blog list, it would be much appreciated....that one's worth the most points and it's a win win for the both of us because you get to read his awesome blog!

Please leave me a comment letting me know if you add Scott's blog to your blog roll so I can let him know.  THANKS!!!

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