Friday, December 17, 2010

Ice Cream Cake

My husband has been requesting that I make him an ice cream cake for his b-day ever since we got married.  I finally decided I should give it a shot.  He really likes the ice cream cakes from Dairy Queen, but they are around $20 and I figured I could make one for much less than that.  I used THIS tutorial.

I did make a few changes, the biggest one was adding a layer of brownie to the middle.  While the brownie tasted good, it was a beast to cut.  Next time I might just have to serve brownies of the side.  The bottom layer of the cake was double fudge brownie ice cream (my husband's favorite) then came the brownie layer.  Next was the chocolate fudge and oreos and then vanilla ice cream was the last layer.  I used whipped cream for the frosting and grated some chocolate for the top. 

It was fantastically delicious and MUCH cheaper than $20.

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