Friday, December 17, 2010

No Longer MIA

Sorry everyone for not posting for so long.  Life got a bit crazy for us the past couple of months.  My husband and I were playing on a co-ed intramural basketball team.  My husband ended up blowing out his knee.  He tore his ACL, MCL and meniscus - not good!  Two days before Thanksgiving, he got surgery.  Recovery is going well, but that's a big reason as to why I have been MIA for the past couple of months.

As some of you know, I have another blog that is dedicated to recipes, well I've decided to combine my two blogs and share recipes on here too :)  Who doesn't like to learn crafty stuff and get some delicious recipes at the same time right?

Hopefully this time around I will have a better run with my posts so you can get lots of ideas without a huge break in between ha.

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