Friday, June 4, 2010

Fruit Smoothies

My mom has been on a fruit smoothie kick and I'm lovin' in!  I finally got all of the ingredients I needed to make my own.  The best part of these smoothies, is that they are super healthy!

There is no set recipe so you can add whichever fruits you want to create several different smoothies.  The secret to keeping them healthy is in the sweetener.  I use agave which is an organic sweetener that is much better for you than sugar.  I also use Light & Fit Vanilla yogurt to cut down on the fat content.

Recipe for the smoothie shown above:
Freshly squeezed orange juice from one orange
1/2 of an orange, peeled
1/2 red lady apple, with the seeds cut out (leave the skin on)
A couple handfuls of blueberries
6-8 Frozen strawberries
1 slice fresh pineapple (a new addition to the recipe - it really makes the smoothie pop)
1/2 cup vanilla yogurt
1-2 Tbs agave
Blend until smooth then add 6-8 ice cubes and blend again.

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